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AMA on Twitter 03.08.2023



Hello everyone, welcome to our Stratos Community AMA session. I'm your host, Claire, and very thrilled to be here with all of you today. I suggest we just wait for another one minute or so, and then we'll be ready to jump right into all the questions and everything. If you're not able to be up here, ask questions, you can also leave your questions under this Twitter space, so we'll be able to check that and potentially have it answered as well. Thank you all.


Right, it's 12.05. I think we're ready to kick start this. Welcome again. Whether you are a long term Stratos supporter or you just recently discovered Stratos decentralized storage, or you're super into it. We're really happy to have you here today with us for this Monthly Community AMA. And we hope that we are able to answer all of your burning or challenging questions today. So as usual, our co-founder Bin Zhu is here with us and is ready to have a great discussion with all of our community members. So if you have been following Stratos and our journey for quite a while, you know that our team has been super dedicated in terms of developing the first fully decentralized storage, and we're actually very close towards the Stratos Chain and also Stratos decentralized storage, mainnet launch. Over the past two months, we've also announced some great news. For example, we officially closed the test net versions, but at the same time, we launched another Mesos test net which will be ongoing even when the mainnet launch is ready. At the same time, we also have the EXOSwap bridge, which is ready to allow interoperability to all the EVM compatible blockchains.


So in today's AMA, we are ready to just answer some of the questions from our community, whether it's regarding the technical development, future marketing plans, or maybe plans in regards to mainnet launch. So now, without further ado, we actually just would like to have community members, you can raise your mic. I will pull up here and Bin and myself will be able to answer all your questions directly. You can feel free to raise your mic. Also, I want to make sure everyone can hear me clearly.


Yeah, I can hear you clearly.

Exchange Listings🔗︎


Well, we're ready for all the burning questions. Usually, people are always very enthusiastic about asking questions, even though our team has been trying to keep it very transparent with every step towards the mainnet launch. But I think maybe because I saw many people asking about the news on exchange listing, maybe you can start with this one. And at the same time, I think our admins can help us pull some questions that maybe people posted in our Telegram chat.


Okay, sure. Actually, recently, there are several layer 2 exchanges that talk to us. Layer 2 exchanges, their ranking number is between 10 to 30, around. We also discuss with them about to integrate not only with the ERC 20 tokens, the STOS token, also integrate with our native tokens. And they said they can do it. We think we will have more listing coming after the mainnet, not before mainnet because for the new exchange, there are not much liquidities. So right now, we are talking to the gate and the gate side, they will integrate our native tokens after the mainnet is launched. So that's one. Then we will start to listing our tokens on more exchanges. But I know community really hope we can listing our token Binance, OKAX or other layer 1 exchanges I think from my point of view, I think it's coming. Just waiting for the mainnet is launched and to see how the mainnet is going and more and more people know us and more trade in volume is increased and we will have more opportunity to list down on them.



Thank you. So that has been answered. I do have some questions, a long list, so I'll maybe just start by raising those questions and you can answer it since no one is really raising hand at the moment. So we have a question in regards validators participation. So how many professional validators will be joining Stratos mainnet? Because people are seeing that at a moment there may be less than 10 active validators on Mesos testnet.


Yeah, there are not much on Mesos because Mesos have no any reward and no any incentive. I understand that. Mostly just for testing purpose. But right now, you guys know we already launched the validator program and actually we have more than 10 validator provider. They will participate us when the mainnet is launched. And then later on, probably, and also we talked to some top validators and they said they would like to see how it's going, how your mainnet is going. Then they will decide after the mainnet is launched. So for now, we will have more than 10 validator provider participate when the mainnet is launched and the more validator provider will come after that.



Perfect. We'll just wait for the main event launch and to see the rest of professional validators joining the network, basically. We have also another question is, what are the main obstacles or challenges that you think the current testnet or current development are experiencing in terms of our project?


Actually, I feel the challenge is not the technical slide for now, since we're almost there to deliver the mainnet. Actually, the challenge is how people think about that, how people think about crypto, how people think about the Web3 or decentralized services, in general. That's a hard challenge for me. For example, when our team went to the ETH Denver, I went to some conference, and even when I went to Hong Kong Web3 Festival, we talked about some projects and some GameFi, SocialFi, and other projects. Even we talk to SUI. We talked about that in the community before. But when we really match them, when we really do the demos, they say, Oh, this is amazing, the performance, everything's good. But it's very hard to see motivation from a lot of projects. They see there is a decentralized project, but when we want to provide decentralized storage, they feel, okay, I'm very fine with AWS or Google storage or others. I didn't see any motivation from them. They feel okay because their community doesn't care. Their investor doesn't care. They don't care about what's really decentralized about their company. They seemed more interested in our token price.


I understand a lot of people, they jump to this industry. It's not only talk about the decentralized freedom or ownership, they more care about the price of the token. How can they make money? Actually, I feel this is the challenge in the future. And after mainnet has launched, how can we prove them and convince them about our project? They feel very comfortable with the centralized system. They even don't want to move to the decentralized system, maybe because they feel it can be more complicated since they're using Google AWS. We feel we need to plan the strategy. One, probably the price will be cheaper (to use our storage compared to centralized storage cost). The other one, if the centralized system, they do something bad for your project, probably you will have a very bad nightmare. So you will trust the decentralized more than the centralized. That's the challenge for me and for the team. We will not only fight centralized system by ourselves, we really want for other projects also believing in decentralized when they deliver something in the crypto world. That's the challenge for us. It's not the technical challenges.

Mainnet and Marketing🔗︎


Thanks, Bin, for sharing some very brutal realities and also some genuine feedback from talking with other projects and the industries. I think what we're really lacking is the recognition of this real problem or the need for infrastructures from the general stakeholders for this whole industry. And it's definitely a long journey for us to continue in working on educating and bring more awareness to that. Next question. So it's also related to the main net launch. So have you confirmed the main net time? Do you have a marketing plan when we'll start? Are there any partners joining? It's a big question and you can choose which one to start your answer with.


Yeah, we will launch the mainnet, we talk about this soon so often. It's coming. We will announce the mainnet launch date in Toronto. In that conference in our builder room, we will tell everyone exactly the date we will launch the mainnet. Just not today, we will announce it at that conference. Also, we will announce that in Twitter as well. Just wait a little bit longer. The conference in Toronto will be on August 15th. We will announce that date as August 15th. And for the marketing, I understand that people, our community, sometimes they complain about the marketing. Actually, this morning and the recent couple of days, Claire, me and our team, we talked about the marketing a lot. And when we launch, the marketing plan we have will be accelerated. Now, we're continuing to plan it, but when we close and close to the launch date, you will see how the marketing plan, and we will also announce the bounty program. And if someone is interested to participate with our ecosystem, we will have a grant for the third party developers, communities to build something with us together. There are several programs we will announce at the same time. It's all coming.


I can also elaborate a little bit more in terms of the marketing plans. Basically, the whole marketing plan building post main network are targeted for two major audience. The first first is the general crypto enthusiast. Besides the traditional YouTube type of educational videos, we are also trying to focus the efforts on more short TikTok or also short Reels, those type of fast promoting content. And at the same time, we're also outreaching for some alliance or public figures on Twitter as well to help us raising more awareness. At the same time, events is also one of our major tools in terms of continuing helping us to build the developer communities. At the same time, another audience would be really developers, tech savvy people, or techies in general. The Toronto conference, Bin just mentioned, is one of a kick off event or the first builder house that we will be doing to get our name up, all the developers, not only based in Toronto, but mostly who will be there attending the ETH Toronto at the same time. Following that, we will be also checking different events around the world, just trying to prioritize our time and energie to focus on a few regions and supporting those developers with certain grants program, which will also be announced later on as well.


This is how we see Stratos marketing should be done in such a way together. But yeah, on top of that, I still need to mention how we still really encourage communities to be creative or are still trying to promote us in different ways to share knowledge. So your participation is also very important for us to build a stronger community together. But yeah, that'll be all for the quick marketing plan for now. I saw that Johnny requested to speak early on. Johnny, please go ahead with your question.


Hello, everybody. I have a question regarding the mainnet, et cetera. I know we are now in a bear market. You hear a lot of FUD in the market and it's still not sure what we are thinking about is coming Bitcoin after the halving is it going to make a huge jump or is it staying the same? Are you depending also on the market a little bit with the main net or are you saying when the main net is ready, we're going to launch, we're going to make the marketing plan and we're going to go ahead with what we are planning to do?


Yeah, this is a very good question. We hope we can launch the mainnet when everything's good. We don't want to say that something bad or something is crashing. Even if some crashing (in crypto market price) happens, we will still launch the mainnet. But we did see some bad things happening last year, for example LUNA or FTX. So if everything will be like right now in the market, we will announce the date in the Toronto conference and once the date it announced, we won't change it unless some huge damage is coming. But otherwise, we will continue to follow our plan step by step. That's one. The other thing, I don't know. Maybe Bitcoin will crash next month. I don't know about either way. Our project is not like the public chain project. It's really driven by the usage. It's really driven by how many projects, how many developers, or how many users are using our storage because we really generate some real value. It's not to generate some fake stuff. We really generate real value to bring to the people, bring to their business. So we will see. We will be very excited to do it. Even after the mainnet launch, we will be very careful to stick to the plan but also have a backup plan.


Okay, I understand. Can I have another question? Sure. Yes. Regarding the marketing, I heard just before, just a few things, but is there a master plan? Is there something like, Okay, we're going to do that and that and these steps. How are we going to get involved in a bigger... I'm on Telegram every day. I like to speak in the community. I think we have a great community in the Stratos Telegram. But is there a way that you you guys or your organization say, Okay, we're going to do this step. It's really important. Then it's going to be the next step. That's what I want to ask.


I can take this question. So I think the right marketing should be always dynamic related to our major milestone. And I also think that, of course, we do have a master plan, we do have budget, we want to allocate the resources and everything. I think if you are mentioning that how maybe you as a community member, you can try to support. We also do have the ambassador program, the one we rolled out last year. But if you are interested maybe to join as an ambassador and trying to maybe contribute more, just rather than the community member, we're also happy to talk about that too. But to answer your questions, yes, we have a very specific plan, and the plan is always surrounding to making sure our mainnet launch or product launch or major timeline can be successful.


Okay, thank you. Okay, thanks.

What's Different about Stratos🔗︎


Okay, we also have user Jim as speaker. You can also feel free to unmute yourself and ask questions if you have.


Hello, yeah, I'm happy to be here. Can you hear me?


I can hear you. Yes. And also, Johnny, can I ask you maybe to mute yourself if you're not speaking or asking questions at the moment? Thank you. Jim, please go ahead.


I'm just curious, what's the difference between... What's it exactly going to offer for new people? I know it's decentralized storage, but what else is going to drive people to come along? Because I remember you related to AI and Filecoin. What difference are we to them?


Okay. Mainly you want to know what stratos can provide compared with other decentralized storage solutions. You talk about the Filecoin or even AR or the others. I think the major difference is Stratos can provide very high performance uploading, downloading. Later on, also for the streaming, decentralized solution then Filecoin and AR. In this case, Stratos is suitable for AI training to saving their data for training, for process. The other thing is like the CDN, the hot data, the short video, or the music. That's the major difference between us and others. Because we're using a different structure architecture, we have three layers, the meta layer, the resource layer and the blockchain. We try to break the impossible triangle to solve the decentralization and the high performance. So it's just one sentence to say that major difference, better performance, more stable, and will be more suitable to serving the hot data in the internet.


Okay, that sounds good. So we'll have literally the same as them and we'll be able to store NFTs and stuff like that.


Yeah, exactly. We can store the NFT, it's not only image. Some NFT, they are videos, they maybe be audios, or they may be have that big banner file. Sure, we can save them. Actually, NFT is one of the projects we want to collaborate very close. We talked to some NFT project and the NFT market project. We want to provide a very unique service to them because right now, actually, most of the NFT they are using AWS or Google Cloud or some Google CDN services. We really want to convert them to using Stratos as the storage solution.


I'm very surprised that Binance and Coinbase Ventures have not approached you. They're not invested into the company.


When we talk about Binance, we know that Binance has announced the greenfield project a couple of months ago, but yeah, maybe in the future. Right now, we don't have any connections with them, but in the future, when we show how powerful the Stratos Mainnet and Stratos Decentralized storage, probably we will talk about the cooperations. Yeah, we will see.


I'm very excited and you've put my mind at rest. I believe you're going to do well, Bin. Thank you.



No problem. Appreciate your questions. And if you are curious to learn more about the Stratos differences compared to other storage projects, I do believe that we do have a lot of certain discussions and Bin answered a lot of questions similar in our Telegram chat. So maybe you can take a look and find back the chat history back in there. So now I will move to the next questions from community. I think this can be categorized mostly in regards of partnerships. So are we in talks with projects or companies about a cooperation after the mainnet launch? And also people are commonly asking that how do we plan to work on building new partnerships or for business to use our services?


Yeah, this is a big question. So we already created some partnership before the mainnet launch, and that's the one we are going to go back to talk to them. And we will talk with them, invite them to try our Mesos and even the mainnet directly. They are already active partnerships. That's one. The other partnerships actually we are talking, on the site, to some traditional businesses and they are very interested for them to save money and also for the privacy we can bring to them and some ownership if they are interested as well. But this is the traditional business, they won't have any movement until our product is fully ready. That's why we keep this partners on hold until the mainnet is launched. Part of our team will support them, like a customer service support, help them to try, give them some time to have their tests. When they feel satisfied with our product, when they really start to use it, then they will give us permission to announce the partnership. So that's why we cannot give you any details for now. For the new partnerships, especially for the traditional business partners. We cannot say anything for now.


Okay, thank you. Can I just ask one last question? Sorry to interrupt. Sure. I just want to say I'm very happy that you said when you're going to give a date on the mainnet launch and you're going to stick to it, I like that because it's more clear for us investors. Thank you.

Integration with other Blockchains🔗︎


Okay, so let's continue with other questions. What are our plans to integrate with other blockchain projects? I'm assuming that people are maybe asking about other chains, not just regular dApps projects.


Yeah, I think it's the public chain. Right now, with our Mesos, we already launched the swap, the bridge. Some of our community members already tested with our test network, with the Ethereum test network, it worked. Later on, we will be working with the third party bridge as well to have the bridge, maybe with other public chain. The reason we want to create the bridge between the different other public chains, the reason is we talk about the cross chain. We want Stratos to be a cross chain project. Cross chain project is not you have your NFT, you have your any digital file could cross chain. The cross chain is for projects on other chains, they need the storage. When they implement their decentralized application, they need the storage service. How will they do? Right now they need to purchase the Filecoin, they need to have AR or other coins, then they pay for that. Okay, if we're using as example, Polkadot. You don't need to convert the dot coin to Stratos.


You can directly use your dot coin to pay for the ozone. If you have Solana Sol, you don't need to convert. You can use Sol directly to pay for ozone. So for their ecosystem, we give them less limitations. They can directly use their native token to purchase or to pay for Stratos storage services. That's what we call cross the chain. So when we support more and more public chain, we allow more and more different ecosystems to use Stratos directly right away. That's why we want to cross chain. That's why we will corporate with multiple public chain. But which one we'll start? We start with Ethereum first. After we will go the second one, third one, and then the one, depending on which ecosystem, probably is bigger and have more community, have more developers working on that. We will use based on that dimension to make our priority list and to do it one by one.

Team and Foundation Tokens🔗︎


Thank you for explaining this. I do have another question that maybe I think the community would appreciate the team addressing this. What's the team's plan in terms of selling tokens? Very direct questions, but I'm sure you have the answer.


Yeah, actually, we have very transparent information. Everyone can see our wallet in the ETH scan. Everything is on the chair. Later on, we will move most of the tokens to our native chain. There are three parts of the tokens that will be managed by us. Team token, for sure. We will unlock some team tokens when the mainnet is launched for team members. We didn't unlock a single token for the team up to now, we will start to unlock some tokens after mainnet launch. And when we unlock some tokens for the team members, if they want to hold, they want stake, or they want to sell, it's up to them. So I don't know. Okay, that's the second part, the foundations. We also have part of the foundation tokens. And when the mainnet is launched, soon we will open the new round of funding with some investor who is interested in us. That's the one way probably we will sell the token. But if some investor invest with us, we give them the tokens and get the investment, they always on a vesting term.


They will not be able to sell huge amount of the tokens right away. No, they will have plans, maybe one year, maybe two year. That's one. The third one is partnership tokens. We will have a grant for anyone that participates with our ecosystem team to build dAPP on Stratos storage. That's the grant. With that grant, we will negotiate with any project, third party to get the grant. We will give them plan: how many tokens you get at start and how many tokens you get when you reach the goal. That's for the third party. How will we sell the token? I think that question is answered, but we will sell token for sure because the foundation, we need money to continue to support the team, to support the ecosystem, keeping going. But we will have a plan and we will announce it and we will continue to keep as transparent as possible to everyone. Yeah. Thank you.

Liquidity increase🔗︎


Well, thanks, Bin, for these very honest answers. I'm sure that the community will really appreciate the way you're answering this. So next, question is about, what is the plan to increase liquidity of Stratos on exchanges?


Yeah. Yes, right now, our major trading exchange is Gate. I think that is not good at all. Okay. And also MEXC. And later on, we will list our token in more exchanges. The other part is Uniswap. Yeah, we will talk to our market maker and we will increase the ETH, USDT, USDC and STOS. We will increase that pool to make the pool deeper to improve the liquidity after the mainnet is launched. We also negotiate with market makers or even cooperate with more market makers. Right now, we only have one market maker or maybe we also could partner up with more market makers to make the liquidity better. That's one step in our big plan. We will do it after the mainnet launch.

Timeframe for Computation and Database🔗︎


Great. Thank you. The next quick question is coming back to the development part. How do you think in terms of the time frame that would take for rolling out computation and database parts? Now that we have the storage almost ready.


Yeah. Actually, after the mainnet launch, our team still has a lot of tickets in our system backlog. I will separate the team into three parts. For sure, we will continue to work on the system with one part. We will cooperate with any partner. They do the integration or build something on top of the Stratos, we will support them. The second part, based on the storage solution, we will also build it. We will build the layer also build some dAPP or top layer on Stratos. For example, we will build the CDN layer. People want to use the Stratos to watch videos, to listen to music, or others, or short video. We will build that layer. And if we have a partner that is looking for something like Dropbox, decentralized Dropbox or Google Drive, we encourage them so they build it not ourselves. We can support them. That dAPP can be available later for anyone else as well. So people can feel comfortable to use the decentralized solution of the decentralized version of the Dropbox or Google Drive. The third one, and we will start to build our computing component.


We get some data, we also have some ideas. We are using GPU or CPU that one, we will think about that. But based on the information we already have, based on the data, client's data we already got from our SDS, we will start to build the computing components. Then when the computing component is ready, then we will start to work on the database component. There still have very massive tasks we need to accomplish. For some projects, when mainnet launches, it means most of the development is probably done. But for Stratos, the mainnet launch, is just another starting point for us to build more stuff.

Payment Mechanism for Storage Services🔗︎


Yeah, thank you. The other question would be have we come up with a mechanism of how customers can pay for data storage, for example, USD, stos, crypto, and how is that translating to adding value to Stats token? Yeah. I think. It's a question about a payment.


Yeah, for the payment. I think payment, there are two. One is payment based on the token, the other payment based on the fiat. But based on the token, if someone want to use a different token to pay for our services, that's why we have the bridge. And we also cooperate with the third party bridge to do it. If they want to pay for the service based on different token on the different public chain. Regarding payments based on field, we don't have an in-house solution, but we could work with some credit card operator, with Crypto com, or even with banks. We talked with L bank, they can also issue their credit cards as well. And some third party they said they have some solutions to convert from USD to USDC, USDT then to STOS. Probably we will be using the third party solutions for the payment as well. That will be very important for us when we cooperate with the traditional business or with some traditional clients. If some clients have no idea what is crypto but they still want to use decentralized Dropbox or decentralized Drive for their own data. So for the Fiat, we will cooperate with third party.

Cross-Chain Compatibility🔗︎


Sure. Another question I can still maybe see here, it would be, will Stratos be available for other projects which are built on other chains like Ethereum or BNB and so on. It's really about cross chain compatibility.


Again, sorry, cross chain is not like others. Cross chain is for the payment and the ozone, we call OZ or someone like to call gas fee. That's that one is cross chain. And it doesn't matter if some application, decentralized application, dAPP, they have their dAPP cross the chain. But it doesn't matter on which chain, when they need to to retrieve their data in the storage, they are always coming from Google storage or AWS S3. But in the future, if you are on BNB, Ethereum or Solana, when you cross the chain, you always can read data from Stratos decentralized storage and it doesn't matter which chain you're using, BNB, Solana or Ethereum. You always can use their native token to pay for the stratos services. I think that question was answered, but yeah, there's a similar concept, a similar solution for them.

New Fund Raising🔗︎


Perfect. Thank you. I think, Mixany wants to ask a question? You can feel free to unmute yourself and ask questions.


Hello, Bin. I have a quick question. I just want to know if in the future there is any plan to raise more funds so that we can maybe hire new people and develop the other components?


Yeah, we have. Like I mentioned, we have three parts of the tokens. If we raise more funds, we will use the foundation tokens to raise more money with some of the investors. We also want to partner up with some investors. They also can bring resources to us, not only money, funds. We have planned to have the new grant fund raising after mainnet is launched. We will use the tokens in our foundation for that.


Okay, thanks. Thank you very much, BIn.


I think we have pretty much covered all the questions from different members from the communities. Does anyone else online with us would like to ask a question live? You still have your last chance to request it and I'll put you on speaker.


Yeah, I would just like to say I love the transparency. Thank you.


We will always be. Thank you, Jim.


Thank you very much. I feel very confident with my money with you, Bin. Thank you.

Short-term Summary🔗︎


Perfect. So no more questions? Maybe, Bin, you want to give a quick summary or a few final words recapping what happened in the past months and also what to look forward in the next two or three months?


Yeah. Actually, after answering most of the questions, everything in my mind I want to say is it all said, I think. I very appreciate all the questions. Actually, most of the thing I want to say is already said, and I would like to appreciate it for the whole community You guys are waiting for us for a long, long, long time. I know from 2021 until 2023, it's a long time. Compared with some other projects in DeFI, GameFI, SocialFI, probably takes six months to deliver. But we take much longer than them. We take much longer time even than what I expected. But Stratos project takes two years to prepare for launch of the mainnet. But Stratos project probably will take even much, much longer to be alive and to provide the services. Even the mainnet is launched, we still need more people, more organizations, and more communities, or even traditional businesses to recognize who we are, what we do, what is the benefit we can bring to them. I'm not surprised. They will take maybe months or even year to realize, Oh, this is really something I need. So I hope we already stay here for a long time.


I hope we continue to build together, stay together, and to wait for everyone realize how valuable this Stratos project is and what can it bring to this industry, to crypto industry, to crypto project industry, or even to the traditional industries. I don't know what else I can say, but you will feel that. You will feel how powerful it is. I know most of the community, you just saw what we did. What we write, you see what we publish on Twitter, what we said. But if it's possible, I really encourage you guys to try out our SDS. Try to participate in our network. Try to use the SDS to upload, to download, then you can do some comparison with other decentralized storage. Then you will feel differently. Most deeply, it's not what they said to what we see. We want you to try and then you can tell your friends or your other community you know and to say, Okay, this is really different what we deliver. Then you will be dedicated to build on our ecosystem, not just talk about the price. We talk about using the real value to build.


When stratos price is going higher, we want to have something that can support that price. Not we give you some big news, the price goes maybe two times and after a month, a week, the price will go back down even lower. Every time when the price goes higher, I really hope that we are going to be driven by our traffic, driven by real value of the money injected in our project. I hope that's the solid way we want to go. We don't want to go rush, but we really want to go solid step by step, like Google, like AWS. Now they are solid enough, but they really took their time. We will take time, but we won't be same like other project. We will be different. Thank you.


I think both Bin and myself and the whole team, we're really appreciative. A lot of you guys started this journey with us back in 2021. Remember, the crypto space is ever evolving and there's always something new to develop, to learn. Let's keep exploring, keep questioning and also keep the spirit of innovation alive. So we appreciate your participation and your engagement with us in the communities. I think for a lot of you who may not be that technical, the past two years, maybe you don't feel that hands on enough to engage with the community. But I personally believe once we launch the mainnet, it will be much easier just for the general public to have a real experience with Stratos storage, with Stratos product experience. And that's also the time that we will be able to work more closely in terms of promoting this project. So thank you so much. And just like you heard throughout this AMA, there will be important announcement and events coming up very soon. Please stay connected with our communities throughout our social media channels. We'll be hosting more events like this in the future, so make sure you're on the lookout for upcoming events and discussions. Until next time, let's enjoy this ride and keep working hard. I hope everyone have a great summer.

Final Word🔗︎


Yeah. Sorry, Claire. I have one thing I want to mention. I forgot about that. Actually, I also continue to encourage our community to hold more STOS. Right now when you run a SDS node, you will get the STOS as a reward. But later on, when we implement more dAPPs, more layers on current storage and for example, when we deliver the CDN, the CDN service will be run on your SDS node as well. When that is ready, you're not only get the STOS tokens from mining pool, you will get extra reward, something from CDN when they're generated the value. You will get that reward. Also that SDS could be used for... Now, it's better maybe not only call SDS because from the three layer, we call resource node. From your resource node, it probably also could build or help the third party to build the decentralized social media. And that all the relay, all the information will be transported between the different resources node available at the moment. You will get the other extra reward. So we will keep adding the value on each of the node. And all the miners who participate. You will get not only stock token as reward, you will get extra tokens.


And also hope you could hold STOS token. You can stake in it. But later on, if in our team, we build other layers on top of the Stratos, and if that new layer will have their own token, I can assure you guys when we do that, all the people who hold the STOS token, you will get airdrops because this is partially how the ecosystem of Stratos works. Every new application is built on that. So as a STOS holder, you will get the benefit from that as we are using this as a way to increase our community, increase our ecosystem. That's what I want to say. I forgot about that. Sorry about that.


No problem. It's very important addon, and thanks for mentioning that. Thank you very everyone again for your time. Let's continue the discussion in our Telegram Community chat and see you next time. Thank you very much. Have a great day.